Cat is the offspring of a sasquatch and a space alien. Honest, it says so on the internet. A prolific songwriter, she has won seven Pegasus awards so far. Her best-loved songs include Acts of Creation, The Word of God, and Wings. From 1997 to 2003 she was half of the duo Echo's Children. She sometimes builds canoes.
You can find her music at and
Accompanying himself on the baritone ukulele or the mountain dulcimer, Peter Alway sings about squirrels, a seasick hedgehog, and how Fibonacci numbers occur in nature. With two decades of filking under his belt, he has been nominated for four Pegasus awards in the last three years.
He is also the filk community's resident expert on eclipses.
It is with great regret that Chris advised us he cannot come this year after all. He really wants to join us; conditions are just that he can't. He has a video explaining and we wish him all the best, that we can see him another time.
Interfilk will be doing a special presentation, and our bio for him remains here for you to be able to enjoy his music when you're home.
Love, from Canada. -- Chris the Bard
Canadian filker Chris "The Bard" Clarke is part of the interconnected web of filkers helping one another. Chris discovered filking through FAWM, and two of its founders are filkers.
Now Chris is giving back to the filk community as co-chair of FilKONtario. Chris sings about fantastic filk things like vampires, Narnia, and D&D. He also sings about justice/activism and mental health, and he has silly songs for children. You can indulge yourself in his songs and content on Youtube and he is Chris the Bard on Bandcamp.
Lauren stumbled into the weird and wonderful world of filk by befriending Cat Faber and never looked back once she found her chosen family. Our community has embraced, nurtured, and encouraged her at every turn, voting her Best Writer/Composer at the 2023 Pegasus Awards, nominating her for four additional Pegasi, and choosing her as a guest at Conflikt 2019, GAFilk 2022, Consonance 2022, OVFF 2023, and Triple Time 2024. We are thrilled that the friends of Consonance offered to bring Lauren back to us through a fan fund, fully funded in only three hours. Thank you, friends!
Lauren, who attended John McCutcheon's invitation-only songwriting camp for promising young musicians, performs solo and also as 25% of the awesome band The Starlight Darlins. You can find Lauren's eponymous albums and The Starlight Darlins' album "The Winfield Sessions, Vol. 1" on Bandcamp.